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Sample files and presentation downloads


The content on this page is old and not currently maintained. However, it may still have some value to someone, so it remains here for now.

This page contains some downloadable sample files for educational and experimentation purposes. It includes sample EDDs and associated files, along with files for use with the Structure Generator, a utility for automating the migration to structure. The primary motivation for the release of these files is to follow up the presentations and workshops at the 2005 STC conference in Seattle. However, even if you missed that event, you may find these files helpful in your pursuit of understanding structured FrameMaker.

Please note that these files are not intended as any kind of comprehensive tutorial. They are just some samples to mess around with, and perhaps serve as a basis for a move to structure. There are some basic instructions included in each package, but these instructions do not make any attempt at detailed explanations. In other words, these packages are no substitute for good training and/or committed personal learning activities. And, they are released with no guarantees of reliability or usefulness.

Business letter - A simple EDD and conversion table

This package includes a very simple EDD and associated document for a business letter. The business letter format is ideal for demonstrating basic document architecture and its representation in an EDD, because this type of document has a clear and intuitive structure. An associated conversion table for this structure definition and template is included.

FrameSLT User Guide chapter - A more complex EDD and conversion table

This package includes a more advanced EDD and associated document, which is an actual chapter from the FrameSLT User Guide. It is certainly not the most sophisticated EDD you could build, but does serve as a good example of a production-ready EDD and template. The structure definition is style-based with elements such as Section, Heading, and Body, versus the more semantic type of structure found in the business letter sample. For general purpose authoring, this is likely to be the general type of structure you will use, because it is well-suited to exploit the powerful formatting control that structured FrameMaker has to offer. An associated conversion table for this structure definition and template is included.